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The Sacred Lounge

  • AREA15 3215 South Rancho Drive Las Vegas, NV, 89102 United States (map)

Turning Point

The spring equinox marks a turning point – when the sun takes precedence over the darker half of the year into lighter, brighter days for the next six months.

On the last night of winter, energize your mind, body, soul and heart in preparation for the birth of a new three-month season – a new beginning for you to turn your gaze to what gives you life, vitality and expansion.

Flow through an intentional yoga sequence to release stagnant winter energy in the body, and raise your creative life force energy (kundalini) with high-energy movement.

Deepen your connection to Self in a guided visualization process, tuning into the Divine Mother of spring’s new life + new beginnings.

December 18

The Sacred Lounge

April 15

The Sacred Lounge